オンライン診察, 海外渡航のための陰性証明書 / 自宅でできる新型コロナウイルス唾液PCR検査キットの解説, 東京Vlog
Haruka Otani
クリニックによって、検査キット内容や検査の流れが異なる場合がありますので、 必ずご自身の受けるクリニックの詳細をよくご確認ください。
Instagram: @niconico_haruka (https://cutt.ly/QjddkLd)
Lifestyle Blog: https://nicoharu.com/
#COVID-19 #PCR検査 #コロナウイルス #東京Vlog
COVID-19 PCR test kit in Tokyo, Japan / How to take a Coronavirus test at home / Tokyo vlog
Hi there! I’m Haruka.
Thank you for watching my channel.
This will be my first video introducing how I came to Taiwan last year✈️
Today, I will show you how to take a coronavirus test at home in Tokyo. Last year 2020, I needed my PCR test negative certificate to go abroad to Taiwan, and I got tested by this service.
This COVID-19 PCR saliva test kit is a common service now in Tokyo.You can take this saliva test at home. If you need a negative certificate, you can have an online medical examination as well. You just have to send your saliva sample to the clinic, and you can get your test results within 24 hours after the clinic receives your sample. There is no need to go to the clinic.
I hope you love all of this as much as I do!
Make sure to “like”, comment, and subscribe!
So many exciting new things to share you soon!
I hope everyone’s family is staying safe and healthy.
Big warm hugs,
Haruka Otani
※This video is taken in 2020/12. In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), various facilities around Tokyo may change their operating days or hours. In addition, some events may be canceled or postponed. Please check official facility or event websites for the latest updates and information.
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Instagram: @niconico_haruka (https://cutt.ly/QjddkLd)
Lifestyle Blog: https://nicoharu.com/[Subscribe!]
COVID-19 #Coronavirus #PCRtest #tokyovlog