台湾での隔離生活3週間, 台湾政府の万全な検疫体制に感動…!隔離中の食事紹介 / 台湾Vlog
「Haruka Taiwan」🇯🇵
大家好! 我是日本女孩 Haruka こんにちは、Harukaです!
台湾入国後に3週間(義務隔離2週間+自己隔離1週間)ほど隔離生活をしました。 部屋から一歩も外に出てはいけない検疫隔離。
と言っても、久しぶりに食べる台湾料理が美味しすぎて、1日3食の食事で台湾を感じられるだけでも十分幸せでした…!隔離生活中に食べた食事も紹介しています。 隔離中は、滞在先の役所の担当者から毎日マメに電話がかかってきたり、生活用品を送ってくれたり、とにかく台湾政府の万全な検疫体制に感動しました。これだから台湾は「コロナ対策優等生」と世界中から賞賛されているのだと、改めて納得しました。
皆さんが自由に台湾に旅行に来れる日が一日でも早く訪れることを願って…✨ 日台友好🇹🇼🇯🇵
Haruka Otani
Instagram: @niconico_haruka (
Lifestyle Blog:
#台湾 #隔離生活 #コロナウイルス #COVID19
3 week quarantine in Taiwan, What’s it like? Moving from Japan to Taiwan in Coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19 / Taiwan vlog
「Haruka Taiwan」🇯🇵 Hi there! I’m Haruka.
Thank you for watching my channel.
This will be another video introducing how I came to Taiwan from Japan✈️
I took my 2 week quarantine after arriving in Taiwan, +1 week independent quarantine, which means 3 week quarantine in total. In this video, I will show you what meals I ate during my quarantine, and also how helpful and careful the Taiwan government was for me. I am totally impressed with Taiwan, and am very proud of living here now. So this is how Taiwan has succeeded in preventing the spread of pandemic! There’s no lockdown, no closures of stores, lives remain the same.
The latest video showing you how I took my flight from Tokyo (Japan) to Taipei (Taiwan) is here.
Wishing in the near feature you can come to Taiwan too! I hope everyone’s family is staying safe and healthy.
Big warm hugs,
Haruka Otani
※This video is taken in 2021/1. In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), various facilities around Tokyo may change their operating days or hours. In addition, some events may be canceled or postponed. Please check official facility or event websites for the latest updates and information.
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